
Friday, April 4, 2014

How to clean an LCD screen.

How to clean, maintain and protect a computer or a TV LCD screen.

How to clean a Plasma screen.
How to clean, maintain and protect a Plasma screen.

Tips to clean, maintain and protect a computer  or a TV LCD screen.
1.       The first thing to do is to make sure the device is turned off. All dirt and hand prints will show against  the the dark.
2.       Never use abrasive products such as detergents, desinfectants, toluene, acetone , alcohol or amonia.  A discoloration of the screen can occur and permanent fdamage can occur.

Homemade  Recipe for Cleaning an LCD screen.
To clean dirt: Use a soft piece of cotton damp with water and brush it softly agains the screen. Avoid pressing the LCD screen hard. It can destroy the pixels. This type of screen can’t handle the pressure like a touch screen such as the ones you find in tablets and new generation phones.

To clean hand prints and oil: Mix fifty percent vinegar and fifty percent water ad proceed the same way. Brush the screen gently with the cotton. Do use a pointy object in na attempt to rub the dirt off.

Be very careful to not let any liquid run because it can get inside and cause severe problems.

3.       On the event of a liquid spill on the screen, clean it immediately. Don´t  let the liquid dry on the screen because it can deform the screen surface.
4.       Another thing that can cause damage on an LCD screen is a sudden change of temperature as the condensation will cause the humidity to set in and stains can appear.  Not to mention the fact that humidity and electric equipment shouldn´t live in the same sentence.

Tips to clean, maintain and protect a Plasma screen.
The procedure and care to clean a Plasma screen is the same to clean the LCD.

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